natural canned dog

natural canned dog

Natural canned dog food can be used as a staple or non-staple food for dogs. Canned dog food contains 7-8 times more water than dry dog ​​food. For dogs who don’t like drinking water, canned dog food can help dogs add enough water. , reduce the chance of dogs suffering from urinary crystals or urinary stones. There are two types of high-quality natural canned dogs. One is in the form of meat paste and is suitable as a staple food, while the other is in the form of real meat and needs to be fed with dry dog ​​food or other nutritional supplements. Both are very delicious. food. The shelf life of canned dog food is generally longer than that of dry dog ​​food. It can be stored for a longer period of time before opening. However, it must be refrigerated after opening and should be consumed within three days.

88 products

natural canned dog

Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna & Prawn Tuna and Prawn (for dogs and cats) 170g

Regular price HK$21.00 Sale price HK$21.00 Regular price HK$23.00
Vendor: Max Deluxe

MAX Deluxe Dog 捷克嫩雞件鮮燉罐 (貓狗合用鮮食) 400g

Regular price From HK$34.00 Sale price From HK$34.00 Regular price HK$38.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna Fillet canned tuna (for dogs and cats) 170g

Regular price HK$21.00 Sale price HK$21.00 Regular price HK$23.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna & Seaweed canned tuna and seaweed (for dogs and cats) 170g

Regular price HK$21.00 Sale price HK$21.00 Regular price HK$23.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Chicken Fillet canned chicken fillet (for cats and dogs) 170g

Regular price HK$21.00 Sale price HK$21.00 Regular price HK$23.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna & Seaweed canned tuna and seaweed (for dogs and cats) 70g

Regular price HK$14.00 Sale price HK$14.00 Regular price HK$16.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna Fillet canned tuna (for dogs and cats) 70g

Regular price HK$14.00 Sale price HK$14.00 Regular price HK$16.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna & Mackerel canned tuna and mackerel (for dogs and cats) 70g

Regular price HK$14.00 Sale price HK$14.00 Regular price HK$16.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato Tuna & Chicken canned tuna and chicken (for dogs and cats) 70g

Regular price HK$14.00 Sale price HK$14.00 Regular price HK$16.00
Vendor: Kakato

Kakato 170g Fish Can Group A Discount Set (24 cans mixed)

Regular price HK$480.00 Sale price HK$480.00 Regular price HK$552.00
Vendor: Max Deluxe

原箱優惠 - MAX Deluxe Dog 捷克嫩雞件鮮燉罐 (貓狗合用鮮食) 400g (15 罐)

Regular price HK$435.00 Sale price HK$435.00 Regular price HK$570.00
Vendor: Max Deluxe

原箱優惠 - MAX Deluxe Dog 捷克嫩雞件鮮燉罐 (貓狗合用鮮食) 200g (15 罐)

Regular price HK$270.00 Sale price HK$270.00 Regular price HK$375.00
Vendor: Max Deluxe

MAX Deluxe Dog 捷克嫩雞件鮮燉罐 (貓狗合用鮮食) 200g

Regular price From HK$22.00 Sale price From HK$22.00 Regular price HK$25.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

12罐優惠 - Aime Kitchen - 無穀物口腔強健長鰭吞拿魚配方狗罐 100g (H6601) (不設混款)

Regular price HK$456.00 Sale price HK$456.00 Regular price HK$576.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

12罐優惠 - Aime Kitchen - 無穀物口腔強健野生三文魚配方狗罐 100g (H6600) (不設混款)

Regular price HK$456.00 Sale price HK$456.00 Regular price HK$576.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 草飼牛+放養雞狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSBCB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 放養雞狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSCB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 放養雞+鴨狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSCDB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 放養雞+雞肝狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSCCLB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 放養雞+火雞狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSCTB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 包優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 肉絲滋味包系列 放養雞+三文魚狗狗鮮食濕糧 2.8 oz (SSCSB)

Regular price HK$498.00 Sale price HK$498.00 Regular price HK$530.00
Vendor: Wonder Pouch

Cature 迦爵 Wonder Pouch 狗狗低溫慢燉鮮食餐包 - 雞+鰹魚配方 100g

Regular price HK$12.00 Sale price HK$12.00 Regular price HK$14.00
Vendor: Wonder Pouch

Cature 迦爵 Wonder Pouch 狗狗低溫慢燉鮮食餐包 - 雞+雞肝配方 100g

Regular price HK$12.00 Sale price HK$12.00 Regular price HK$14.00
Vendor: Wonder Pouch

Cature 迦爵 Wonder Pouch 狗狗低溫慢燉鮮食餐包 - 雞+吞拿魚配方 100g

Regular price HK$12.00 Sale price HK$12.00 Regular price HK$14.00