natural canned dog

natural canned dog

Natural canned dog food can be used as a staple or non-staple food for dogs. Canned dog food contains 7-8 times more water than dry dog ​​food. For dogs who don’t like drinking water, canned dog food can help dogs add enough water. , reduce the chance of dogs suffering from urinary crystals or urinary stones. There are two types of high-quality natural canned dogs. One is in the form of meat paste and is suitable as a staple food, while the other is in the form of real meat and needs to be fed with dry dog ​​food or other nutritional supplements. Both are very delicious. food. The shelf life of canned dog food is generally longer than that of dry dog ​​food. It can be stored for a longer period of time before opening. However, it must be refrigerated after opening and should be consumed within three days.

88 products

natural canned dog

Sold out
Vendor: Fleischeslust

Fleischeslust Original Sauce - Steakhouse Series 400g (Beef)

Regular price HK$50.00 Sale price HK$50.00 Regular price HK$56.00
Sold out
Vendor: Fleischeslust

Fleischeslust Original Sauce - Steakhouse Series 410g (Horse Meat)

Regular price HK$62.00 Sale price HK$62.00 Regular price HK$69.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All-Natural Canned Dog-Chicken Tenders 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All-Natural Canned Dog-Chicken Fillet, Tuna and Vegetables 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All Natural Canned Dog - Chicken Breast and Vegetables 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All-Natural Canned Dog - Beef Liver, Chicken Fillet and Vegetables 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All Natural Canned Dogs - Tuna, Sardines and Pumpkin 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Applaws

Applaws Dog All Natural Canned Dog - Chicken Breast, Salmon and Vegetables 156g

Regular price HK$23.00 Sale price HK$23.00 Regular price HK$24.00
Vendor: Fish4Dogs

Fish4Dogs Trout Mousse Sea Bath Essence Trout Mousse (Dogs)

Regular price HK$19.00 Sale price HK$19.00 Regular price HK$21.00
Vendor: Fish4Dogs

Fish4Dogs Salmon Mousse Seaweed Extract Salmon Mousse (Dogs)

Regular price HK$19.00 Sale price HK$19.00 Regular price HK$21.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned Food (For Dogs) - Chicken Formula 390g

Regular price HK$61.00 Sale price HK$61.00 Regular price HK$65.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned Food (For Dogs) - Grass Stomach Lamb Formula 390g

Regular price HK$61.00 Sale price HK$61.00 Regular price HK$65.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned Food (For Dogs) - Venison Formula 390g

Regular price HK$90.00 Sale price HK$90.00 Regular price HK$95.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned food (for dogs) - Mackerel and mutton recipe 390g

Regular price HK$61.00 Sale price HK$61.00 Regular price HK$65.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned Food (For Dogs) - Lamb Formula 390g

Regular price HK$61.00 Sale price HK$61.00 Regular price HK$65.00
Vendor: ZiwiPeak

ZiwiPeak - Canned Food (For Dogs) - Beef Formula 390g

Regular price HK$61.00 Sale price HK$61.00 Regular price HK$65.00