natural canned cat

natural canned cat

Natural canned cat food can be used as staple or non-staple food for cats. The water content of canned cat food is 7-8 times more than that of dry cat food. For cats who are not naturally fond of drinking water, canned cat food can effectively supplement enough water for cats. Moisture can reduce the problem of dehydration in cats and greatly reduce the chance of cats suffering from urinary crystals or urinary stones. There are two types of high-quality natural canned cats. One is in the form of meat paste and is suitable as a staple food, while the other is in the form of real meat and needs to be fed with dry cat food or other nutritional supplements. Both are very delicious. food. The shelf life of canned cat food is generally longer than that of dry cat food and can be stored for a longer period of time before opening. However, it must be refrigerated after opening and should be consumed within three days.

198 products

natural canned cat

Vendor: Canoe

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Canoe Cat 無穀物貓罐頭 海洋派對 三文魚配方 175g (cans175)

Regular price HK$792.00 Sale price HK$792.00 Regular price HK$880.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 放養鴨+雞肉絲濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCDC-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 放養雞+雞肝肉絲濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCC-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 放養雞+雞肝濃湯肉粒濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCMC-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 放養雞+三文魚肉絲濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCCS-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 吞拿魚+南瓜濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCTP-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 食肉獸滋味包系列 無穀物成貓 三文魚+吞拿魚+鯖魚濕糧包 2.8 oz (CCSTM-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物成貓 鴨肉+雞肉主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-DC-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物成貓 雞+雞肝主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-CCL-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物成貓 雞+吞拿魚主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-CT-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物成貓 吞拿魚+南瓜主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-TP-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物成貓 三文魚+吞拿魚+鯖魚主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-STM-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物幼貓 雞肉三文魚主食罐 5.2 oz (PPC-KIT-5.2)

Regular price HK$540.00 Sale price HK$540.00 Regular price HK$600.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 24 罐優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 滋味骨湯肉醬系列 無穀物幼貓 雞肉三文魚主食罐 2.8 oz (PPC-KIT-2.8)

Regular price HK$418.00 Sale price HK$418.00 Regular price HK$460.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's滋味骨湯肉醬系列 雞肉三文魚貓貓鮮食濕糧 5.5 oz (PP-CHSM-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's滋味骨湯肉醬系列 放養雞肉貓貓鮮食濕糧 5.5 oz (PP-C-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's滋味骨湯肉醬系列 放養火雞肉貓貓鮮食濕糧 5.5 oz (PP-T-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 啖啖濃湯肉粒系列 雞肉三文魚貓貓鮮食濕糧5.5 oz (MM-CHSM-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 啖啖濃湯肉粒系列 放養雞肉貓貓鮮食濕糧5.5 oz (MM-C-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Stella & Chewy's

原箱 12 盒優惠 - Stella & Chewy's 啖啖濃湯肉粒系列 放養火雞肉貓貓鮮食濕糧5.5 oz (MM-T-5.5)

Regular price HK$350.00 Sale price HK$350.00 Regular price HK$389.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

24 罐優惠套裝 - Aime Kitchen Tuna with Tuna Roe 無穀物吞拿魚魚子貓罐頭85g (TR85)

Regular price HK$312.00 Sale price HK$312.00 Regular price HK$360.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

24 罐優惠套裝 - Aime Kitchen Tuna with Scallop 無穀物吞拿魚扇貝貓罐頭85g (TS85)

Regular price HK$312.00 Sale price HK$312.00 Regular price HK$360.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

24 罐優惠套裝 - Aime Kitchen Tuna with mussel 無穀物吞拿魚青口貓罐頭 85g (TM85)

Regular price HK$312.00 Sale price HK$312.00 Regular price HK$360.00
Vendor: Aime Kitchen

24 罐優惠套裝 - Aime Kitchen Tuna in Gravy 無穀物吞拿魚貓罐頭 85g (TT85)

Regular price HK$312.00 Sale price HK$312.00 Regular price HK$360.00